Everyone who has been baptized in the Catholic Church is united with the
body of Christ and entitled to the grace of salvation from God. The salvation
is God himself who has been communicating in the hidden self of human
being. Besides of obtaining salvation, a member of a Church is also obliged
to carry out the task and vocation according to the vision and mission of the
Church. Jesus’ command is preaching salvation to all nations, mandated to
everyone who has been obtaining salvation. The laity as members of Christ’s
body is obliged to carry out the tasks mandated by Jesus. It is important for
the laity because they are the one who are facing the world in the front line.
Laymen have worldliness that stands out because they discharge all the duties
and professional world. The development of today’s world that gives a
variety of choices, challenges and opportunities force the laity in determining
their behavior. Positive and negative aspects are mix into one affecting the
world and everyone too. The laity may be affected by the situation of the
times, but should not forget the basic calling and mission in the world. This
study recast the concept of thinking that leads to practical pastoral action of
laymen in the use of social media communications for vocation and mission
in the world. Through the library research, the views and teachings of the
Catholic Church is dug to see how a Catholic laymen can carry out their
mission, through social modern communication on the self-communication of
God in Jesus. In addition, they laity make create communication made by
Jesus Christ as the plenary communicator as basis for the communication
with the world through social media communication. Social media
communications are diverse and sophisticated these days, that can be a soft tool to be
used by the laity in carrying out his mission. However, these media users need to
gain an understanding and deep concern because in addition to benefits, media
communications can also be an obstacle to the proclamation of God's truth. Hence,
the laymen have to imitate Jesus’ way of communication as the plenary
Communicator which is the core of God's self-communication to the creation.
Full Text:
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